LATE FOR SCHOOL çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢LATE FOR SCHOOL ½ By Lionheart / RAZOR 1911 ¹The radio played an old tune from Phil Collins when Peter woke up. He was well aware of the one fact that he'd be going to school and that the radio would wake him in time. He had put a lot of energy into that radio which his brother had given to him a few years ago. It was an old transistor radio which he had build in an alarm funktion which he was really proud of. He turned around in the warm and comfortable bed. Peter slowly threw an eye at the display on the radio. It showed 07:48, ahh! Thought Peter he could sleep about 12 minutes before the school starts. Hmmm.. Starts! "Gee! I'm late " . He said and with extreme hurry he got up and dressed. With the sweater outside in he ran out in the kitchen taking some milk and making a sandwhich. Then while eating the sandwhich he ran out on the yard. Taking his bike and riding down along the countryroad. He started to feel awake as the cold morning wind blew at his face and through his hair . The forest had started to live and the first glimmers of sunshine had many hours ago fought a huge battle with the darkness and night as the opponent. He passed a stream where he used to play as a child. He had lived in ¶these wood his entire life and had quite a stroll to get to school . The stream was refreshed with cold ice water up from the great mountains and all the pureness which the lanscape posessed. Now he could see the bus stop by the road not far away. Where is the bus? Peter thought while passing the stop. The bus always stops there for about 50 minutes every morning. Was there anything special about this morning?. He put his bike by the parking and walked up towards the main building of the school. He looked through the window but there were nobody there. He opened the door and went inside. It was a lot warmer inside and he started to sweat. He walked through the hallway down towards the locker. When passing a spot where the sun shined in through the dusty window a wall of intensive heat struck him in the face. He had to close his eyes for a second. He walked to his locker and opened it, taking out the books. Then he looked at the calender on the inside of the locker door. " Hmmm.... let's see here.... the 16th hmm.... hmmm... Saturday.... Saturday! ..No! this can't be true ! " He shouted when looking in the class-rooms and discovering that they are empty. "But how could this have happened? I putted of the alarm on the radio.." He sadly said when walking towards his bike. When riding home he thought about buying a new radio. ² THE END